ITU-T G.655.
Non-Zero Dispersion Shifted Optical Fiber(VAD Process)
TAIHAN’s non-zero dispersion shifted single mode fiber(NZF) is operated for WDM system, which enables customers to construct high performance networks for voice, video and/or data transmission. Its high performances are achieved through a germanium doped double silica cladding made by the vapor - phase axial deposition(VAD) method. A dual layer acrylate is coated over the cladding to provide high product reliability and allows easy splicing throughout the cable life. The fiber operates in C-band, L-band and S-band.
·Optimized for effective operating of WDM system·10Gbps, 40Gbps and higher data rates
·Superior performance for long haul networks
·Lower sensitivity of transmission properties
·Broad - range low attenuation properties
·Submarine cable·Voice, video and data transmission
·Long haul WDM system
·Long distance applications

Environmental Characteristic

Performance Specification